Seasons greetings,
As we come to the end of the year, we’re taking this time to say “thank you” for all the hard work you do, as local leaders and activists, both on behalf of our members and in service to the people of Ontario. The work you do matters to the lives of so many. Every community in the province is stronger because of the work CUPE Ontario members do.
For those of you who are about to begin some well-deserved holiday time, we hope it is filled with rest, joy and laughter. We know you all join us in special thanks to all the CUPE Ontario members who will remain hard at work serving our communities during the holidays.
We send our deep gratitude to all the snow plow operators, paramedics, hospital workers, long-term care and home care workers, transit operators, hydro workers, social services shelter support staff and all other CUPE Ontario members whose hard work and dedication keep our province running all year round.
2016 has been a year of many challenges and much inspiration.
This year five of our Ontario locals went out on strike – pushing back against the austerity agenda that puts the services we provide under constant attack, but also pushing forward, making real gains for our members that will ultimately help all working people in our province.
The courage and sacrifice of these members doesn’t just help their locals in the long run – it helps all of us. When employers know that the members of CUPE Ontario are prepared to stand strong against cuts and concessions, and are prepared to fight for much needed improvements, employers start to recognize that they need to be fairer at the table.
What makes a union strong, what makes us powerful at the bargaining table, and what makes us a political force in Ontario, is standing together.
The solidarity our locals have provided each other this year has been wonderful. This solidarity and support is a strong foundation for the new year ahead. Together, with the broader labour movement, we will turn the tide against austerity and begin to reverse the attacks we have faced in public services and that all working people have faced over the last many years.
As we head into the new year, we send you our warmest wishes and look forward to all that we will do together in the year ahead.
In solidarity,
Fred Hahn, President
Candace Rennick, Secretary-Treasurer
As we come to the end of the year, we’re taking this time to say “thank you” for all the hard work you do, as local leaders and activists, both on behalf of our members and in service to the people of Ontario. The work you do matters to the lives of so many. Every community in the province is stronger because of the work CUPE Ontario members do.
For those of you who are about to begin some well-deserved holiday time, we hope it is filled with rest, joy and laughter. We know you all join us in special thanks to all the CUPE Ontario members who will remain hard at work serving our communities during the holidays.
We send our deep gratitude to all the snow plow operators, paramedics, hospital workers, long-term care and home care workers, transit operators, hydro workers, social services shelter support staff and all other CUPE Ontario members whose hard work and dedication keep our province running all year round.
2016 has been a year of many challenges and much inspiration.
This year five of our Ontario locals went out on strike – pushing back against the austerity agenda that puts the services we provide under constant attack, but also pushing forward, making real gains for our members that will ultimately help all working people in our province.
The courage and sacrifice of these members doesn’t just help their locals in the long run – it helps all of us. When employers know that the members of CUPE Ontario are prepared to stand strong against cuts and concessions, and are prepared to fight for much needed improvements, employers start to recognize that they need to be fairer at the table.
What makes a union strong, what makes us powerful at the bargaining table, and what makes us a political force in Ontario, is standing together.
The solidarity our locals have provided each other this year has been wonderful. This solidarity and support is a strong foundation for the new year ahead. Together, with the broader labour movement, we will turn the tide against austerity and begin to reverse the attacks we have faced in public services and that all working people have faced over the last many years.
As we head into the new year, we send you our warmest wishes and look forward to all that we will do together in the year ahead.
In solidarity,
Fred Hahn, President
Candace Rennick, Secretary-Treasurer